of Spain has finished a project, the
aim of which is to develop a Financial
Information Exchange System.
The agents with whom Bank of Spain
exchanges information include credit
These credit institutions
are required to report the financial
information which Bank of Spain uses
to carry out its regulatory and supervisory
functions as the Central Bank of the
Spanish financial system and report
to international bodies as a member
of the euro system.
New international legislation which
requires that IAS/IFRS must be adopted
locally as from 2005 by listed consolidated
groups and which has entailed changes
to circular 4/1991 affords an opportunity
to apply the XBRL standard to support
reporting between Bank of Spain and
the institutions involved.
Within this context, Bank of Spain
has finished a project, the aim of
which is to develop a Financial Information
Exchange System that supports the
reporting between Bank of Spain and
credit institutions of the Public
Financial Statements defined in the
new circular that will replace current
circular 4/91 under the XBRL standard
for Public Financial Statements.
The scope of this project takes into
account the following Public Financial
- Individual Balance Sheet (Schedule
- Individual Income Statement (Schedule
- Individual Statement of changes
in equity (Schedule I.3)
- Consolidated balance sheet (Schedule
- Consolidated income statement (Schedule
- Consolidated statement of changes
in equity (Schedule III.3)
- Individual cash flow statement (Schedule
- Consolidated cash flow statement
(Schedule III.4)The credit institutions
SCH, BBVA, Banco Popular, Banco Cooperativo
Español, CECA, Caja Madrid,
and Caixa are involved in the project
in order to agree the functional and
technical requirements for the information
reporting and exchange process.The
benefits expected to be gained from
the project are as follows:
- Drive the adoption of the XBRL standard
in line with international trends
in market discipline.
- Increase the Spanish Financial Sector’s
understanding of matters connected
with the XBRL standard
- Obtain real feedback from credit
institutions as to the possibility
of reporting in XBRL
- Establish a more efficient and scalable
communications protocol between Bank
of Spain and credit institutions
- Obtain an analysis and design of
what is the first real opportunity
to implement an information receipt
and exchange XBRL based platform with
credit institutions.
- Establish an initial approach to
IFRS reporting on an electronic format.
see additional information (currently
only in Spanish) at: