Revista gratuíta iBR de XBRL Internacional
An Ontological Approach to XBRL Financial Statement Reporting
As a standard for the exchange, transmission, and reporting of accounting and financial data, XRBL goes a long way towardstandardization.
However, as the extent of contemporary financial markets is now global, XBRL reporting must transcend oraccommodate differences in reporting standards.
While XBRL has been of great help in standardizing the presentation of theU.S. GAAP and IASB standards, reconciling meaning between these standards
is still a manual and error-prone affair. As awide variety of stakeholders, spanning countries and cultures, will likely take part in digesting
XBRL-formatted financialreports; how will they participate at an appropriate level that is meaningful for them? This paper focuses on an ontologicalapproach t
owards solving this problem by offering an XBRL ontology architecture for translation between XBRL formats.The architecture is explained, evaluation criteria
offered, and future research towards realizing artifacts which use thisarchitecture are proffered.
Mitchell Wenger, University of Mississippi.
Manoj A. Thomas, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Jeffrey S. Babb Jr., West Texas A&M University
August 2011
XBRL: Un puente hacia los Estados Contables Digitales
Es sorprendente como día a día el avance de las tecnologías de la Información y de las
Comunicaciones (TICs) se va haciendo presente en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida.
Tiempo atrás, pensar un cambio de paradigma de "Estados Contables en papel" a "Estados
Contables Digitales", con información parametrizada y con un formato directamente explotable
y comunicable, resultaba una utopía. El avance de las TICs, sobre todo en el área de
generación de lenguajes de intercambios de datos y de midleware (interfases de sistemas) nos
abre esta posibilidad y nos empuja a aceptar nuevos desafíos que implican re-pensar las
prácticas habituales de la profesión contable.
Daniel Díaz, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
María Florencia Gaibazzi, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
Agosto 2011
Adopting XBRL in Italy: Early evidence of fit between Italian GAAP Taxonomy and current reporting practices of non-listed companies
XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) will soon be the leading means of corporate financial reporting.
A key feature of its adoption relies on well-defined standard taxonomies, which should adequately reflect both the accounting standards and the reporting practices of firms.
This study considers this issue, following the concept of ?taxonomy fit? proposed by Bovee et al. (2002; 2005) and Bonsón et al. (2009a).
The aim is to fill a specific gap in the previous literature, by analyzing the applicability of XBRL in the context of template-based accounting standards.
Specifically, we assess the fit between the XBRL Italian GAAP Taxonomy and the traditional annual reports of Italian non-listed companies, which are required to file their
financial statements in XBRL. The results show an almost perfect fit but with significant differences among the financial statements analyzed.
In addition, the degree of misfit, when it occurs, depends on the sector, the size and the level of disaggregation of information provided by the companies.
Diego Valentinetti. University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara
Michele A. Rea. University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara
May 2011
The Impact of XBRL: A Delphi Investigation
This project attempts to add to the extant research by presenting the results of a future forecasting Delphi study that addresses the impacts of XBRL in the second
decade of the new millennium. The future impacts of XBRL [eXtensible Business Reporting Language] on financial reporting were studied using the Delphi technique.
The Delphi panel suggests that XBRL is very likely to impact corporations, financial reporting, users of financial reports and auditing.
The most likely impacts of XBRL include: increased accessibility of financial reports, easier regulatory compliance, enhanced availability of financial reports,
facilitation of continuous reporting, and improved efficiency in investment and business decision making.
Amelia A. Baldwin. University of Arkansas - Fort Smith
Brad S. Trinkle. College of Charleston - School of Business
January 2011
XBRL Around the World
XBRL is evolving everywhere, but unevenly, driven by various stakeholders such as governments, stock exchanges, banks and other industry sectors.
While the SEC has been finalizing its proposed rule requiring public companies and mutual funds to file their financial reports in interactive data,
this article looks beyond U.S. shores to put the United States' progress in a global context.
Karen Kernan, author and communications consultant
October 2008
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Transforming XBRL into an OWL Ontology
The most important part od this document consists of the authors' attempt to transform an XBRL taxonomy into an OWL Ontology.
However, before the transformation process is presented, an elaborate and comprehensive introduction is given on XML, XBRL, NTP,
Ontologies and OWL to make the reader familiar with these concepts.
Nick Roos, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Arjen Vervoort, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Maarten Tijhof, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Diderik van Wingerden, Erasmus University Rotterdam
March 2007
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